Making It Work

Making It Work

It is estimated that there are over 174,000 lone parents with 295,000 children in Scotland. While many lone parents want to work, escalating competition for jobs along with the challenge of finding the right childcare can mean some struggle to sustain or secure a job.

Making It Work wants to improve your chances to improve the quality of life for you and your family. The service will connect you to a support network of six key organisations from across Glasgow all with experience of supporting lone parents. The organisations include the Wise Group, One Parent Families Scotland, Scottish Childminding Association, Stepping Stones for Families, Jobs & Business Glasgow and Rosemount Lifelong Learning.

The service is open to any Lone Parents who are unemployed and not participating in the Work Programme. You can be referred to the Wise Group by One Parent Families Scotland, Jobcentre Plus or Jobs & Business Glasgow or if you feel you would be eligible just call us on 0141 303 3131 and ask to speak to a Making It Work mentor.

The Wise Group will work with you to tackle any issues you have to improve your confidence levels, prepare you for the workplace and help with childcare issues. You will have access to training courses to improve your skills which has been tailored so that it fits in with school/nursery drop offs and pick up. All our courses offered through the service run from 10am to 2pm and we have an on site mobile crèche if you who wish to attend training but have young children that are not yet at nursery.

The Wise Group will help you apply for work and in to employment. After you have moved into employment an advisor will continue to work with you, ensuring tax credits childcare etc are in place. This support will last a minimum of six months and suitable training opportunities will be identified to to help you progress within work.

Other services to help you back into work

Talent Match North East

Open to 18 to 24 year olds in the NE of England. Our Youth Coaches will support you through engagement in training, work placements and other opportunities.

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The Work Programme

The Work Programme can help if you have found it difficult to find work for some time. Once you are in work we can also offer a support service.

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The Employability Fund

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Wise Academy

The Wise Academy is a Dundee based service delivering training and help to get you back into work.

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