At CashBack Connections, we want to inspire and motivate you to look at life differently. We want you to see the opportunities and experiences that are out there and give you the motivation you need to transform your life.
How does it work?
You will have a dedicated youth coach who will support you on your journey. They will develop an action plan based on what you need to get you into work.
Your youth coach will meet, call and text either weekly or fortnightly; whatever you have agreed with them.
Your coach will teach you how to write a top CV, give you expert interviews tips and help with your job applications.
You will be offered a range of training courses – such as Mindset training – which are proven to give you the skills and qualifications employers are looking for.
Mindset tells you all about how your habits are formed and how to break them. The course will also give you the tools to deal with pressure and how to go after those goals you have set yourself for the future. Alternatively you might prefer a more traditional qualification, the choice is yours.
We can also help you with other areas to help you on the right path. That could be housing advice, money advice or helping you manage mental health issues.
If you would like to move on to college we can also arrange some taster sessions and help with your application.
If it’s work experience you’re after, we can find valuable work placements or arrange for you to do some volunteering.
Get in touch with us at:
Tel: 0141 303 3131
Twitter: @wisegroup_se
Cashback Connections helps people to transform their lives with funding from the Scottish Government through the Cashback for Communities programme.
"Anyone who is thinking of signing up should go for it. It definitely improved my chances of getting a job and I could see it doing the same for a lot of people, especially school leavers or people with little or no work experience."