Get into work with support from the Wise Group

Working with you

The Wise Group has a long standing reputation for helping people to gain the confidence, skills and mindset to succeed in finding a job.
In Scotland’s west, services like Fair Start Scotland can help you in to work. If you’re interested in boosting your skills, we are here to support people in to work.
As well as helping those who are looking for jobs, we also work with employers. In fact, the Wise Group is a recognised intermediary for businesses across the UK who wish to access the UK Government’s Kickstart Scheme.
Find out about our continuing support for people through COVID-19.

Fair Start Scotland

Tailored to you, Fair Start Scotland will focus on your strengths and prepare you for work.

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Relational Mentoring

Our Relational Mentoring services provide one-to-one support and can help people take positive steps towards work.

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Customer Stories

From people who've never worked before to people who thought they'd never work again, read their stories to see the impact of the work we do.

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Contact us

Are you an organisation that is looking to explore how the Wise Group can help you, get in touch with our team today.

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