I was really nervous at first, but at my last interview I was a lot more confident and have now been offered a job. I’m really looking forward to getting back into work, a routine and earning money.
Ian had worked for the same company for over 25 years. In February 2018, he was sadly made redundant. This caused massive upset to Ian, having gone to work in the same building, with the same people, for most of his life.
Credit to Ian, he viewed this experience as an opportunity to learn new skills and take time to upgrade his knowledge and capabilities, particularly in IT as he recognised a need for modernisation.
With the help of Enable and their Employment Workshops, Ian received advice on job searching, writing applications and CV writing, as well as being encouraged to link in with his local Adult Learning Team and attend their IT and digital skills training courses.
A big part of the support Ian received on Fair Start Scotland was one to one interview skills development and working with his coach to bring back his self confidence, understandably lost through his redundancy experience.
This has paid off, following a recent interview, Ian has now started working 20 hours a week with a local employer.