Empowering Change: How The Wise Group Is Combating Poverty and Supporting Families Amid Rising Energy Costs

At The Wise Group, we’re committed to breaking the cycle of poverty by providing support that ranges from crisis management to driving long-term, positive change.

With energy prices rising today, for many, there are feelings of uncertainty and stress. We hear from our UK Head of Energy Services, Amanda Currie, about the impact we have had, and are committed to keep providing, to families across the UK with our relational mentoring approach.

Here’s some of the impact we’ve enabled –

🔵Our Energy Advice Services supported 53,000 households, generating £1.4M in energy savings, £418K in additional benefits, £170K in household energy efficiency, and over £700K in energy debts written off.

🔵One colleague helped customers eligible for Attendance Allowance and Adult Disability Payment, securing over £1M in financial support.

🔵We have supported thousands of families, alleviating child poverty and enabling long-term change for future generations.

🔵Working in one local area in Lothian with a housing association we mentored 113 households—60% led by female lone parents—at risk of eviction, and sustained 97% of tenancies and helped the others leave or transfer without eviction, saving over £1.2M.

🔵In part of Tyneside we’ve helped 1,000 economically inactive individuals move closer to employment, increasing income and well-being through income maximisation sessions.

Making sustainable change is about the big picture –

🔵A parent at Battlefield Primary in Glasgow South, too embarrassed to ask for help, was supported by our Mentor. They accessed job-seeking support, stress management, and are now thriving alongside their child.

🔵Jaroslava, a lone parent and full-time carer, received help with English language and digital skills, secured a £150 grant towards heating, and funding for a new washing machine. She’s now working towards volunteering to build skills for employment.

These are just a few examples of how we’re making a difference in the lives of those who need it most, supporting individuals, families, and communities towards a brighter future.

As the energy price  cap increases from today, the 1st October, many households face the harsh reality of balancing the cost of staying warm with putting food on the table.

At the Wise Group, our energy and advocacy services, are here to support families this winter. We are committed to overcoming barriers for those in our community and creating real and sustainable change through our relational mentoring approach. No one should have to choose between heating and eating, and we’re committed to ensuring that vital support reaches those in need.

#BreakingBarriers #SocialImpact #PovertyReduction #EnergySupport #ChildPoverty #Empowerment #CommunityResilience #LongTermChange