Relational Mentoring – Navigating the Journey to Employment after the Justice System

Often having a conviction can make getting back into employment tricky. For our customers relational mentoring can help overcome some of those barriers and help navigate the challenges of getting back on the working ladder, that may have seemed impossible otherwise.

This was the case for one of our mentors, Jackie’s, customers who came into our service in 2023.
This customer was referred was in April 23 and had a non-spent conviction and a diagnosed personality disorder which impacted his job search and any opportunities which were open to him.
He could have manic episodes and managing his expectations and disappointments was very challenging for his Mentor Jackie.
This customer made multiple applications and constant rejection had a further impact on his self-esteem and confidence. Jackie supported him with identifying and applying for suitable opportunities and also drafted a disclosure letter regarding his criminal conviction including mitigating circumstances, this helped massively as if asked at interview about his conviction he really struggled and became fraught, and the disclosure letter made the process easier.
This customer sustained 52 weeks in employment in August 24 and has now completed the 12-month IWS phase of the service! While the job he is currently still in was not his ultimate goal, Jackie is still supporting him with applications and interview prep to secure a position in his preferred sector, and this week she was able to provide a reference for this customer too.

What an incredible journey! A huge congratulations to this customer and Jackie for all of their hard work!